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Solar Panel Cleaning

Dirt on solar modules is caused by pollen, smog, brake dust, etc... and leads to drastic reductions in power yield. We recommend cleaning the solar modules every 2 - 5 years, depending on the inclination and location, to ensure a high electricity yield.

How can we support you?

Send us your inquiry. We are at your disposal for any questions as well.

Solarreinigung - Solaranlagenreinigung - Solarmodulreinigung - Photovoltaik (PV) Reinigung - Solarmodule, Zellen & Panels reinigen durch Top Menage Schmid Reinigungen (Basel, Baselland & Aargau)

Increase the energy efficiency of your solar panels and have your solar system cleaned regularly. We climb onto your roof and guarantee a professional solar cleaning. All modules of a PV system are thoroughly cleaned.